Univerzum – Serbia

Rezultati projekta

Electricity bill reduced by


through power factor correction

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • With several production sites throughout Serbia, Univerzum aims to be the most modern brick producer in the region.
  • Given that Univerzum uses reactive energy to help power the kilns and grinders for brick production, as well as the conveyor system, thus incurring high costs from the electricity provider.

Resalta solution

Univerzum used outdated and inefficient reactive energy capacitors in its two factories in Aranđelovac and Inđija. Resalta replaced them with a 600 and 400 kVAr and two 600 kVAr units with a filtering factor of 7%(189Hz), respectively, bringing the combined power of units installed up to 1.2 MVAr.

The capacities for the new units are the result of very careful calculations to precisely meet the real demand of Univerzum for its brick production. They will ensure reliable energy supply at a lower cost and optimize production cycles.

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Prijavom na naš bilten slažete se da primate e-poštu od Resalta d.o.o. Cilj našeg biltena je da posetioce, partnere, klijente i širu javnost upoznamo sa radom kompanije Resalta, njegnim novim projektima, razvojem, predstojećim događajima kao i vestima o energetskoj efikasnosti i obnovljivim izvorima energije. Učestalost izdavanja biltena će biti najviše jednom mesečno, uz moguće izuzetke za neplanirane, ali važne vesti. Zadržavamo isključivo pravo da modifikujemo ili prekinemo izdavanje biltena, u bilo koje vreme i bez obaveštenja. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i nikada nećemo komunicirati ili prodavati vaše podatke trećim stranama. Možete se odjaviti od biltena u bilo kom trenutku.