Gorenje Valjevo solar PV - Serbia

Rezultati projekta


installed capacity



clean energy generated annually

Why Gorenje chose solar PV technology

Gorenje, the home appliances giant and one of the region's leading companies, takes its environmental impact very seriously. In order to lower its carbon footprint, the company chose to make the switch to a renewable energy source for part of its electricity production. Resalta installed solar panels on several of its facilities throughout Slovenia, and following these successes, Gorenje elected to have a solar PV powerplant in its Valjevo factory as well. 

By generating part of its electricity sustainably, Gorenje also reduces the carbon footprint of the consumer goods it produces, thus providing its customers with greener home appliances. 

Resalta's solution

The project was developed taking into account roof incline, solar radiation and the optimal orientation of the solar panels, following careful measurements and roof load calculations. Installation works were carried out with no interruption of the client's production or business. The solar panel is integrated into the grid network. 

The solar PV panels have a life span of 25 years and will provide Gorenje with renewable electricity for over two decades. Even after 20 years in use, the solar panels' efficiency will exceed 70%.

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Prijavom na naš bilten slažete se da primate e-poštu od Resalta d.o.o. Cilj našeg biltena je da posetioce, partnere, klijente i širu javnost upoznamo sa radom kompanije Resalta, njegnim novim projektima, razvojem, predstojećim događajima kao i vestima o energetskoj efikasnosti i obnovljivim izvorima energije. Učestalost izdavanja biltena će biti najviše jednom mesečno, uz moguće izuzetke za neplanirane, ali važne vesti. Zadržavamo isključivo pravo da modifikujemo ili prekinemo izdavanje biltena, u bilo koje vreme i bez obaveštenja. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i nikada nećemo komunicirati ili prodavati vaše podatke trećim stranama. Možete se odjaviti od biltena u bilo kom trenutku.