Elixir Prahovo - Serbia

Rezultati projekta


savings on reactive energy



savings once the contract expires


Elixir Group is one of the largest chemical companies in Serbia and the region. Its Prahovo plant is specialized in the production of phosphoric acid and NPK fertilizer.

Due to the nature of Elixir Prahovo's energy consumption, reactive energy costs for the chemical producer were very high. In order to reduce costs and consumption, Resalta carried out a preliminary assessment of the required reactive power of the unit for power factor correction and identified potential solutions.


Resalta's solution was the installation of a medium voltage unit for power factor correction, of reactive power 7.76 MVAr (10kV), of a filter type fc=189Hz. Resalta guarantees power factor correction of at least 0.985. By installing a reactive energy capacitor, Resalta’s solution effectively provides power factor correction and immediately lowers the bill paid to the distribution service by reducing reactive power load on the grid.

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