Serdika - Bulgaria

Rezultati projekta

One of the largest energy monitoring systems implemented in Bulgaria

The measures save time and human resources while providing accurate, timely and comprehensive information on all energy consumption for better decision-making processes

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Serdika is one of the largest trade centers in Bulgaria with over 210 stores and restaurants, and is certified as a sustainable building.
  • Serdika’s old energy monitoring system was suboptimal and thus could not meet the management’s requirements to enable well informed decisions for performance improvement.

Resalta solution

Resalta became one of the first companies to install Schneider Electric’s newest state of the art EMS - EcoStruxure Power monitoring Expert 9.0 – the features of the system include:

  • the most advanced energy visualization for calculation, modelling, forecasting and tracking main energy performance indicators
  • alarm management with smart events and alarms clustering for intuitive and powerful filtering as well as timeline analysis tools defining alarms’ sequence, location and impact

Project implementation was completed within a month and involved the measurement of more than 250 existing electricity meters, some of which were substituted with new ones. The system is designed to allow for expansion in the future.

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Prijavom na naš bilten slažete se da primate e-poštu od Resalta d.o.o. Cilj našeg biltena je da posetioce, partnere, klijente i širu javnost upoznamo sa radom kompanije Resalta, njegnim novim projektima, razvojem, predstojećim događajima kao i vestima o energetskoj efikasnosti i obnovljivim izvorima energije. Učestalost izdavanja biltena će biti najviše jednom mesečno, uz moguće izuzetke za neplanirane, ali važne vesti. Zadržavamo isključivo pravo da modifikujemo ili prekinemo izdavanje biltena, u bilo koje vreme i bez obaveštenja. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i nikada nećemo komunicirati ili prodavati vaše podatke trećim stranama. Možete se odjaviti od biltena u bilo kom trenutku.