Interpet Sales & Distribution Solar Powerplant - Romania

Rezultati projekta


installed capacity

CO2 emissions reduced by




Situation before the contract

Interpet Sales & Distribution was born with the aim of offering professional distribution services for petfood and pet care products.

Taking its social and environmental responsibilities very seriously, the company was looking to further reduce its CO2 emissions and increase the share of renewable energy powering its production processes. 

Resalta Solutions

Interpet Sales & Distribution has chosen Resalta to develop 70 kWp ground mounted solar PV plant in Tartasesti.

Interpet and Resalta have concluded a 7-year Solar as a Rent Agreement, which ensures the construction and operations of the new solar PV power plant.

Thanks to carbon neutral electricity produced and consumed on site, Interpet will lower their carbon emissions by 41 tones per year and consume 84 MWh annually.

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Prijavom na naš bilten slažete se da primate e-poštu od Resalta d.o.o. Cilj našeg biltena je da posetioce, partnere, klijente i širu javnost upoznamo sa radom kompanije Resalta, njegnim novim projektima, razvojem, predstojećim događajima kao i vestima o energetskoj efikasnosti i obnovljivim izvorima energije. Učestalost izdavanja biltena će biti najviše jednom mesečno, uz moguće izuzetke za neplanirane, ali važne vesti. Zadržavamo isključivo pravo da modifikujemo ili prekinemo izdavanje biltena, u bilo koje vreme i bez obaveštenja. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i nikada nećemo komunicirati ili prodavati vaše podatke trećim stranama. Možete se odjaviti od biltena u bilo kom trenutku.