Gorenje/CHP 2 - Slovenia

Rezultati projekta

Annual savings:



Energy efficient system with increased reliability

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Analyses performed as part of the energy audit of Gorenje by Resalta have shown that the process and space heating systems could be improved with the addition of a new cogeneration unit with a thermal input and electrical power of around 1 MW.
  • Due to the requirement for exceptionally high temperatures in the production process, the cogeneration unit had to be specially designed and heat removal adapted accordingly.

Resalta solution

A new CHP unit with thermal capacity of 983 kW, and electrical power of 999 kW was installed. The unit will provide heat for the technological process, which will provide Gorenje with a more reliable heat supply.

Resalta has also devised investment documentation to enable a successful application for entering a support scheme. The unit will operate 4,000 hours annually but has the capacity to operate for 7,000 hours if necessary.

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