Wellness Hotel Harrachov - Czechia

Rezultati projekta


Wellness Hotel Harrachov stands as a prominent guesthouse, accommodating up to 800 guests and primarily catering to recreation and skiing enthusiasts. This esteemed establishment is under the ownership of the investment group SPGroup, which includes Aquapalace, OTK, and numerous other entities.

At the conclusion of its operational lifespan, the hotel's boiler room required urgent attention. Given Resalta's successful collaboration on previous projects within the SP Group, the decision was made to engage Resalta as the supplier for a turnkey solution. This encompassed the installation of a new 200 kW cogeneration unit, a hot water boiler, and a comprehensive modernization of the entire boiler room, inclusive of a new control system.

The choice to partner with Resalta was driven by several factors:

  • Competitive pricing conditions
  • Expedited delivery time for the project
  • Positive past experiences with Resalta on other projects

Resalta's solution

  • Cogeneration unit
  • Electric boiler
  • Energy management system
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