Municipality of Kanal ob Soči takes an important step towards a green transition

The Municipality of Kanal ob Soči has selected RES ERP d.o.o, a company of the Resalta Group, to sign an easement agreement with for the installation of solar power plants.

In line with the Green Deal, presented by the European Commission at the end of 2019 as a response to climate change, the municipality of Kanal ob Soči has also taken the decision to install solar power plants on its own roofs. The procedures for this activity are being led by the Institute for Green Development of the Soča Valley in cooperation with the Goriška Local Energy Agency (GOLEA).

In February 2022, the Municipality of Kanal ob Soči published a public tender for the direct conclusion of a contract for the granting of an easement on immovable property for the purpose of installing small solar power plants on the roofs of the following buildings: the Kanal Primary School and the Kanal Sports Hall, the Deskle Primary School and the Deskle Sports Hall, and the Deskle Cultural Centre. Following the signing of an easement agreement for the lease of the roofs, RES ERP d.o.o., a member of the Resalta Group, was selected to install the solar power plants.

With this decision, the municipality has taken important steps towards a green transition, as the installation of solar power plants will contribute to reducing its carbon footprint. With an annual electricity production of 513,817 kWh, annual CO2 emissions will be reduced by 260 tonnes, or 6,503 tonnes over a 25-year period. The municipality has also already secured savings on the cost of electricity by fixing the price of electricity for 25 years. In addition to the buildings mentioned above, the electricity generated annually will also be used in some other municipally owned buildings (the waste water treatment plants in Kanal and Deskla and the municipal building).

RES ERP will install the solar power plants in phases, with the last one being installed at the beginning of next year.

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