Resalta assists hotel Putnik in converting to biomass to help keep Kopaonik green

As a result of its change of ownership, the hotel Putnik in Kopaonik, Serbia’s most popular winter destination, is undergoing extensive renovations to raise its service offer to a new level. Resalta has signed a partnership to assist with the energy overhaul, in the scope of which the company has come up with a technical solution for the hotel’s heating. 

The Putnik will make the transition from crude oil powered boilers to biomass boilers fueled by locally sourced woodchips. Two boilers of a combined power of 720 kW will be installed, alongside a reliable system for delivery and dosing of the wood chips, and will provide the facilities with heat energy from renewable sources.

As a socially and environmentally responsible company, Resalta will supply wood chips from local producers and in this way stimulate local economy for the duration of the 15-year contract it has signed. The project will not only result in considerable financial savings for the hotel, but also in significant cuts of CO2 emissions. The environmentally conscious project is in line with the green strategy and sustainable tourism policies of the hotel Putnik and the wider region.

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Prijavom na naš bilten slažete se da primate e-poštu od Resalta d.o.o. Cilj našeg biltena je da posetioce, partnere, klijente i širu javnost upoznamo sa radom kompanije Resalta, njegnim novim projektima, razvojem, predstojećim događajima kao i vestima o energetskoj efikasnosti i obnovljivim izvorima energije. Učestalost izdavanja biltena će biti najviše jednom mesečno, uz moguće izuzetke za neplanirane, ali važne vesti. Zadržavamo isključivo pravo da modifikujemo ili prekinemo izdavanje biltena, u bilo koje vreme i bez obaveštenja. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i nikada nećemo komunicirati ili prodavati vaše podatke trećim stranama. Možete se odjaviti od biltena u bilo kom trenutku.