Resalta signs 1 MW solar PV rooftop project for BSH Group in Slovenia

Resalta is pleased to announce its largest solar project to date, a rooftop photovoltaic powerplant for BSH Hišni aparati in Nazarje, Slovenia. An important part of the BSH Home Appliances Group’s extensive network of manufacturing facilities throughout the world, the BSH Hišni aparati employs over 1,200 people in Slovenia and is an environmentally conscious company. As such, it has been looking for ways to reduce emissions and become more green in its manufacturing processes. In order to do so, it has decided to begin on-site renewable electricity generation, partnering with Resalta. Resalta will install a 999 kW solar photovoltaic powerplant on the rooftop of the factory in Nazarje.

As part of the global leader in home appliances manufacturing, regrouping brands such as Bosch and Siemens, the BSH factory in Slovenia is the single largest manufacturer of small home appliances in Europe. It employs over 1,200 people and produced over 7 million small appliances in 2018. As a huge consumer of energy, the client is concerned about sustainability and sourcing renewables, and has thus elected to switch to solar power for its own consumption as much as possible.

The 999 kW solar power plant will be fully installed by summer 2021, generating 1,000 MWh of electricity from renewable sources for BSH Hišni aparati. This will provide 15% of their electricity consumption, improving their sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions by 490 tons each year. Solar PV has benefits not only for the environment, but for a company’s business. Consumers and other businesses alike place an increasingly high value on sustainability when making purchasing decisions, and large manufacturers have strong incentives to reduce the carbon footprints of their products. A solar PV installation on-site sends a very clear message about a business that takes its environmental commitments seriously.

Resalta is proud to be recognized as a trusted partner in the energy transition by BSH Hišni aparati.  Resalta is a leading renewables and energy services provider in Central and Southeastern Europe, operating in ten markets throughout the region. A dynamic, fast-growing company, Resalta works with both public and private clients to finance, design and implement projects that champion decarbonization, reduce energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability while generating cost savings. So far, the company has realized over 260 energy projects for over 180 clients and continues to expand its product and service portfolio.

Want to learn more about how solar PV can benefit your business? Contact Resalta at

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