Resalta to undertake water pump efficiency project for PLIVA in Croatia

Resalta is proud to announce its latest project for pharmaceutical leader PLIVA. Its facilities in Savski Marof, Croatia, will undergo an energy efficiency project that will replace centrifugal pumps used for cooling water distribution.  

PLIVA is the largest pharmaceutical company in Croatia and one of the leaders in the region of Southeast Europe, part of the Teva group. In addition to being among the largest economic entities in Croatia, PLIVA is also one of the leading exporters with almost 90% of its products sold internationally. Focused on the development of generics and drugs with limited market competition, PLIVA has the widest range of generics in Central and Eastern Europe.

As a socially responsible corporation, PLIVA is aiming to optimize energy efficiency within its business and lower carbon emissions. It hired Resalta to carry out an assessment of potential projects to optimize energy consumption in its facilities. One of the key takeaways from the audit was the inefficiency of the water pump system. To remedy this, Resalta will replace 10 out of 17 existing pumps with pumps that have higher energy efficiency but are also of more appropriate size for the production site’s real needs.

In addition to replacing the pumps, Resalta will also install a new variable frequency control system that will optimize the main pump’s energy use and renovate the cooling tower fan. These measures will not only generate energy savings but will renew crucial equipment and lower operations and maintenance costs.

The solution will generate energy savings of 750 MWh each year, equivalent to 25% of current energy consumption for the water pumps. Carbon emissions will be reduced by 265 tons each year as a result of the lower energy consumption.

Implemented through the Energy Performance Contracting model, the energy efficiency project will be entirely financed by Resalta. PLIVA will enjoy savings from the measures right away, repaying Resalta’s investment from the guaranteed savings. During the contract duration, Resalta will take care of operations and maintenance, thus taking on all technical risks.

Resalta is proud to be recognized as a trusted partner in the energy transition by PLIVA.  Resalta is a leading renewables and energy services provider in Central and Southeastern Europe, operating in ten markets throughout the region. A dynamic, fast-growing company, Resalta works with both public and private clients to finance, design and implement projects that champion decarbonization, reduce energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability while generating cost savings. So far, the company has realized over 260 energy projects for over 180 clients and continues to expand its product and service portfolio.

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