Two new solar power plants: a step towards a green future in BTC City

BTC d.d., one of the leading commercial property management and development companies in the CEE region, and Resalta signed an agreement for two new solar power plants. As it moves ahead on its journey towards energy transformation, BTC d.d. is going to place two new solar PV plants on two buildings in BTC City. This is a significant step towards a greener future and carbon neutrality. 

The solar PV plants will be positioned on the roof of Arena 7 (Dvorana 7) and Water Park Atlantis (Vodno mesto Atlantis). Jointly the plants will produce 455 MWh of green energy and reduce the CO2 emissions by 222 tonnes. BTC now generates electricity from renewable energy sources with three existing solar power plants and cogeneration (CHP), which together produced 1.7 million kWh of green energy in 2021.

Within BTC's sustainable development strategy, energy transformation is an important part of the company's work, which is being carried out through a number of projects and the introduction of continuous improvements in energy management. One of our key objectives is to increase the share of renewable energy sources with the aim of strengthening energy self-sufficiency. The two new solar power plants represent our additional contribution to the green transition and to positioning BTC City Ljubljana as one of the greenest urban centres in Europe,

                                explains Damjan Kralj, Chief Executive Officer of BTC.

At Resalta we are proud that BTC chose us as a partner on its journey towards the greener future. The two new solar PV plants will make an important contribution to BTC's green objectives, including carbon neutrality,

                                said Luka Komazec, CEO of Resalta.


BTC has been following sustainability principles and sustainable development for over two decades. In 2021 BTC adopted a new ambitious strategy focused on Society 5.0 by 2025. It also adopted a sustainability strategy which is designed to align the company with the environmental and societal trends of today and to respond to the most pressing challenges. Both strategies put a strong emphasis on sustainable development by putting the environment, energy, and society front and centre, with the overall goal of making BTC a carbon neutral company. For BTC energy is a key strategic area, and sustainable energy management is its strategic focus. BTC has been working on energy efficiency for over a decade and has achieved improvements in the usage of electricity and heat, including by implementing renewable sources of energy. BTC has committed to the reduction of its carbon footprint, in response to temperature growth in cities and other urban centres. Overall energy-related activities of BTC include: increased self-sufficiency through the utilisation of renewables, energy efficiency, energy consumption monitoring, preventive maintenance of energy systems, implementation of new technologies, and participation in regional energy initiatives and sustainability projects.

Resalta is a leading independent decarbonisation solutions provider in the south-east Europe. It is active in ten markets across the SEE region. Resalta is a fast-growing enterprise that operates in the commercial and industrial sector (C&I), as well as in the public sector. It provides financing, design, and implementation of projects aimed at energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction, resulting in sustainable development and cost reduction.  


        From left to right: Miha Mermal, Luka Komazec, Damjan Kralj, Jure Zadravec, Janez Povše

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