Another great deal for 1MW rooftop Solar Power Plant signed in Serbia

We are delighted to announce another great deal signed in the new year, this time in Serbia! Resalta was appointed by Xella Srbija to develop a 1MW rooftop Solar Power Plant at the production location in Vreoci, and then provide operation and maintenance for the period of 15 years, based on our specific ESCO model. Xella Srbija will become a registered prosumer, therefore entitled to deliver any surplus energy back to the grid.

Over the years, Xella Srbija Solar Power Plant will:

⚡️ Generate over 1,177 MWh of clean electricity annually

🌳 Help offset more than 17,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions

New Solar Power Plant confirms strong Xella Srbija’ commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Resalta is proud to be Xella's partner of choice on this journey.

With over 5,000 employees, 78 factories and sales organizations across 22 countries, Xella Group is one of the leading international companies in the field of building and thermal insulation materials. With the brands such as Ytong, Silka and Hebel, it is one of the world's largest manufacturers of autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate blocks. In 2020, the renowned sustainability rating agency Sustainalitics rated Xella as the best in the industry for ESG standards. With the New Solar Plant in Serbia, Xella’s road to sustainable economy will only be strengthened.

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