Izoterm Plama has enriched its business model with renewable energy sources

Izoterm Plama and Resalta have signed a long-term contract (PPA) for a 0.46 MW rooftop photovoltaic power plant, which will be operational and producing green electricity in the first half of 2023. Over the lifetime of the systems, the planned power plants will generate more than 474 MWh of clean electricity per year and offset more than 5,810 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Izoterm Plama has a 50-year history of operations in Podgrad, Slovenia, close to the Croatian and Italian borders. It is an innovative, flexible, and market-oriented company with efficient solutions to produce expanded polyethylene - an environmentally friendly insulation material – and providing the European market with products that ensure protection and well-being; thus meets the expectations of consumers, owners, business partners, employees, and the environment.

The installation of the new solar PV power plants underlines Izoterm Plama's commitment to sustainability and the values of social responsibility. As a result, Resalta, the leading energy company, is very proud to participate as a selected partner in meeting the goal of the green transition and increasing renewable energy sources.

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