Partnership with Avto Kočevje to install a solar power plant

Resalta, has signed a contract with Avto Kočevje to build a 999 kWp solar power plant. The solar power plant will generate 1000 MWh of electricity per year and reduce carbon emissions by 492 tonnes.

Avto Kočevje is a reputable company which operating in international markets and has a 70-year tradition of successful business in the logistics and transport sector. The company's mission is to meet the requirements and expectations of its customers and their employees. To achieve the wider society purposes and carbon neutrality, Avto Kočevje has decided to enter a business partnership with Resalta, which will help the company in its green transformation and climate neutrality goals.

The cooperation with the international company Avto Kočevje is another proof that Resalta builds trust among business partners and promotes sustainable energy practices in many markets in the CEE region.

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