Bulgarian dairy producer Cremio gets new LED lighting system

Cremio is a dairy producer and manufacturer based in Bulgaria with a unique portfolio for the region of Eastern Europe. At present, over 60% of the company’s sales are exported, and the customer network includes more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Cremio is constantly looking for opportunities to manage costs efficiently, while keeping capital expenditures focused on core business. Resalta was selected to renovate the indoor lighting system of Cremio’s factory in Sofia, by changing old luminescent luminaires with modern LED luminaires. The project will provide the factory with the required luminescence levels and thus improving comfort and working conditions for staff.

The renovated lighting system will have a positive impact on managing costs, with a reduction of over 55% of annual costs for lighting and a 50% reduction of lighting maintenance costs. The energy efficient solution will also lead to a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions.

The new lighting system is operational as of December 2017.

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