The largest PPP ESCO project in public lighting & building retrofit in Serbia

 We are delighted to announce the signing of the largest PPP ESCO project in public lighting & building retrofit in Serbia! Today Resalta signed a 15-year PPP agreement with the City of Kragujevac, to implement a complete reconstruction of public lighting system, as well as conduct the energy retrofit of eight public buildings in the city. The latter include the main administrative building of the City of Kragujevac, schools and a kindergarten. The Kragujevac building retrofit will include a switch from the non-efficient and highly-polluting heating systems to more efficient and sustainable ones, combined with a full retrofit of windows and other critical building components.

This project is unique in both size and quality: for the very first time, the PPP ESCO arrangement will encompass both lighting and building retrofit in a single project. Size-wise, this is the largest lighting PPP project in Serbia to date, with over 25.000 bulbs to be replaced with highly efficient ones.
Overall, the Kragujevac public lighting & building retrofit project will:

  • generate a 20% financial saving for the City of Kragujevac
  • reduce 9.000 tons of CO2 emissions annually
  • save 12,500 MWh of energy annually

The PPP Contract was signed by Ms. Ana Radojević, the Energy Manager of the City of Kragujevac, and Đorđe Popović, the Managing Director of Resalta Serbia. We congratulate the City of Kragujevac for choosing sustainability and for embarking on this unique journey with us. We are now looking forward to successful implementation and are certain that this project will significantly contribute to the further success of ESCO initiatives in Serbia and South-Eastern Europe.


City of Kragujevac


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